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Dear Esteemed Media Outlets, World Leaders, and Concerned Citizens, and Fema

Your attention to this matter is profoundly appreciated, and publishing this story can be used as a deterent to end nuclear testing by Rogue Nuclear Nations. 

For complete report please visit my website.

January 27th 1996, Large French Nuclear Test,

(Over twice the size of the December 27th Test  the month before followed by  the
Historic East Coast Blizzzards first week January  1996)

These are Big Story's and effect US all


February 3rd, 1996   

3/4 of the US in a deep Freeze.   

So cold that Jewelry freezes to the Flesh.

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    Mount Washington hit with record wind chill amid Northeast deep freeze | PBS NewsHour

  Actual temperature of minus 47

 Go Ahead and Look it up

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All This ocurred after a Large Nuclear Test 

Lady's and Gentlemen

Coincidence most certainly not.

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 For a complete report…

Please visit my website:

I am available if you'd like to do a story. 

I tried to prevent this when I was running for President at the time.

Sincerely, “The Censored Candidate" - 

(312) 424-6808


Sent to 

 CBS News, Npr, LA Times, Huff Post, buzz feed, The humanist, NBC,Rolling Stone, CBS News, 60 Minutes, 48 Hours,, bbcamerica,,, Cnn, nbc news hour, washington times, propublica, Washington Post, reuters,, seatle times, the guardian,  Rishi Sunak, Justin Trudeau, King Charles 111, NYT,  Emmanuel Macron, Epoch Times,  USA Today, Chicago Reporter,  Daily Beast,, Bay Area News Group, National Enquirer, Newsweek, NBC New York, New Republic, The Atlantic, Axios, Miami Herald, Outlook, Inside Edition, Fema, TMZ, The Economist, Greenpeace, NRDC, Sierra Club,, Eurasia Group, Common Cause, People, ABC, New Yorker, Newsweek, 

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